Too Good To Be True: Don’t Fall for the Discount LASIK Surgery Myth
Are you considering ditching your eyeglasses or contact lenses in favor of LASIK eye surgery? More and more people are choosing LASIK eye surgery as an alternative to the hassles and expenses of corrective lenses. And why not? A LASIK surgical procedure only takes 10-20 minutes to complete. Patients experience an immediate improvement in vision. There is little or no pain or after-effects, and the results can last a lifetime.
Unfortunately, the growing popularity of LASIK eye surgery has led to the rise of the so-called “discount” LASIK centers. If you’ve checked out any of these sites, you’ll notice that they claim to charge considerably less than more established eye care providers such as Berkeley Eye Center. Some of these corporate discount LASIK centers advertise procedures as low as $220 per eye.
There’s got to be a catch, right? The manufacturers of the equipment used in the LASIK procedure charge surgeons a click fee for each eye they operate on. Add to that the costs of equipment and facilities maintenance, staffing, medical supplies, office space, and facility fees … how can discount LASIK centers charge prices as low as $220 per eye and still make money? The truth is — they can’t.
Patients Rarely Qualify for Discount LASIK
In a lot of instances, the discount LASIK centers are playing a game of “bait and switch.”
The bait is the low price. In most instances, only patients with the slightest nearsightedness and no astigmatism qualify for the special low price procedure. These are patients who barely need to wear prescription eyeglasses, much less have LASIK surgery.
So people schedule an appointment based on the promise of the low price. Patients come in for an examination, only to find out that their level of nearsightedness/astigmatism disqualifies them for the advertised discount price. That’s the switch. Instead of the advertised price, they’ll receive a price quote far above the discount offer — typically as much or more as the prices charged by non-discount LASIK surgery providers.
Watch Out for Added Fees
It doesn’t stop there. That low price may not cover the entire cost of the procedure. There are often added fees. Added LASIK eye surgery fees can include:
- Office visits and examinations
- Correction-related charges
- Treating astigmatism
- Surgical materials
- Medications
- Facility fees
Low Prices Can Mean Low Tech
Another reason for the low prices may be that the discount LASIK doesn’t rely on the latest technologies. That discount price may be for an old “bladed” LASIK surgical procedure as opposed to the newer state-of-the-art “bladeless” or “all-laser” methods that have become the standard among ophthalmologists worldwide.
Why Do Patients Consider Discount LASIK Eye Surgery?
Price is one of the main reasons patients are attracted to discount LASIK providers. One problem is the fact that most insurance doesn’t cover LASIK eye surgery. This is because insurance companies consider LASIK to be an elective procedure. However, you can pay for LASIK eye surgery using your Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account if you have one. If price is a concern, speak to your LASIK ophthalmologist/surgeon; most LASIK eye centers provide patients with several financing options to pay for their procedure.
Look for the Best Value Rather Than the Lowest Prices
When it comes to LASIK eye surgery, it’s wise to consider value rather than just price. Berkeley Eye Center is dedicated to providing patients with the best value when it comes to laser eye surgery, rather than the lowest prices. This means investing in the latest technology, equipment, and training, as well as providing patients with the financial tools to make their procedure affordable.
Your initial screening and preliminary testing are free. We charge one price for our state-of-the-art LASIK laser vision corrective surgery, regardless of the correction. There are no hidden fees; the cost for the procedure includes post-operative visits for 6 months after the procedure and any potential additional treatments required within the first 2 years.
Find Out if You’re a Candidate for LASIK Corrective Eye Surgery
You can contact us through our website, or call us at (713) 526-3937 to schedule a free LASIK consultation, during which a refractive counselor will discuss current pricing, any eligible discounts, and payment options with you.
Berkeley Eye Center has been delivering expert eye care to patients in Houston and surrounding communities for over 60 years. We’re recognized as one of Texas’ most established comprehensive eye care facilities. Our staff of eye care specialists continues to set new standards in the field of LASIK laser vision correction, cataract removal and implantation, retina care, and glaucoma management.