Our Damage Protection Plan
Berkeley Eye Center’s Glasses Damage Protection Plan offers the peace of mind in knowing that an accident with your glasses won’t result in a costly replacement.
Cost: The plan is $25 to purchase and $25 to redeem.
What Is Covered?
New frames are covered not only for defects in workmanship but also for damage that may be incurred in your day-to-day activities.
- Broken Frame Temples
- Cracked Frames
- Broken Eyewires
- Broken Nosepads and Nosepad Arms
New lenses are covered for manufacturer’s defects plus issues that might arise from everyday wear and tear.
- Peeling coatings
- Liquid and chemical damage
- Heat damage
- Scuffs, scratches, and gouges
What Isn’t Covered?
For our protection plan to be utilized, the frames and/or lenses must be returned to the office and surrendered to the staff. For this reason, we cannot cover loss, theft or mysterious disappearance.
Any embellishments, attachments, or other decorations that were attached to the frame and/or lenses by a party other than Berkeley Eye Center are not covered by the plan.
Damaged products must be returned to BEC for service and repair. We will not cover the costs of services received from another party.
This plan does not cover optical prescription changes. All replacement lenses will be made using the original prescription.
Frames must be replaced with the same model, color and size of frame originally purchased. If frames are no longer available from the manufacturer, patients may choose another frame from available stock. Patients will not be entitled to a refund for frames of lesser value than those in the original purchase. Patients must pay any overage in the cost of their new frames versus those in the original purchase
How Does it Work?
The Berkeley Eye Center Damage Protection Plan costs $25 and may be purchased either at the time of sale or at the time of dispense. Plans may not be purchased after eyewear has been dispensed. An additional $25 copay will be charged one time when redeeming the plan.
The plan will only cover newly purchased frames and/or lenses. Due to contractual obligations, Maui Jim and Costa eyewear are not eligible for the damage protection plan.
Upon redemption, BEC will order a new, identical frame and/or lenses to replace your damaged product. Damaged frames and lenses must be surrendered to BEC prior to the dispense of the replacement eyewear. Surrendered eyewear becomes the property for Berkeley Eye Center. If the damaged eyewear is not surrendered, the patient agrees to become financially responsible for the full retail cost of the replacement eyewear ordered on their behalf.
The protection plan is valid for a period of one year from the date of original eyewear dispense. The plan may be utilized one time for frames and one time for lenses. Frames and lenses do not need to be replaced together. However, both lenses must be replaced at the same time.
An additional $25 copay will be charged one time when redeeming the plan. If new frames and lenses were covered by the plan, the copay will only be charged once, even if frame and lens coverage are not redeemed simultaneously.
Patients who are using their own frame and ordering replacement lenses will not be eligible to have their frame covered by the plan.
**BEC is not responsible for any shipping costs to either send damaged product to the office or to send replacement products to a patient.**